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APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day Günün Gökbilim Görüntüsü

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3 Haziran 2014
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WR 104: A Pinwheel Star System
Katkı Sağlayanlar : P. Tuthill (U. Sydney) & J. Monnier (U. Michigan), Keck Obs., ARC, NSF
Açıklama : Might this giant pinwheel one-day destroy us? Probably not, but investigation of the unusual star system Wolf-Rayet 104 has turned up an unexpected threat. The unusual pinwheel pattern has been found to be created by energetic winds of gas and dust that are expelled and intertwine as two massive stars orbit each other. One system component is a Wolf-Rayet star, a tumultuous orb in the last stage of evolution before it explodes in a supernova -- an event possible anytime in the next million years. Research into the spiral pattern of the emitted dust, however, indicates the we are looking nearly straight down the spin axis of the system -- possibly the same axis along which a powerful jet would emerge were the supernova accompanied by a gamma-ray burst. Now the WR 104 supernova itself will likely be an impressive but harmless spectacle. Conversely, were Earth really near the center of the powerful GRB beam, even the explosion's 8,000 light year distance might not be far enough to protect us. Currently, neither WR 104 nor GRB beams are understood well enough to know the real level of danger.
Anahtar Sözcükler : Wolf-Rayet Yıldızı, Gama Işını Patlaması
Yarınki Görüntü : Kırmızı ve Yeşil Parlama
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Çeviri ve Düzenleme
Hazırlayanlar: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) ve Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Yetkilisi: Phillip Newman Özel haklar uygulanır.
Gizlilik İlkeleri ve Önemli Uyarılar
NASA / Goddard Uzay Uçuşları Merkezi (GSFC)
Gök Fiziği Bölümü (ASD) ve
Michigan Teknoloji Üniversitesi'nin bir hizmetidir.
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